Established in 2002, the Sports & Activities Directory is published quarterly to ensure that residents are always “in the know” about the sports, cultural events, and wide range of activities available to every member of their family-regardless of age or interests.
Unique stories, profiles of hometown heroes, volunteers, corporate citizens, school news and the vast array of photographs that chronicle the sports and activities make every issue not only a guide to current events, but also a memorable keepsake.
As a comprehensive information source for the community, our goal is to be the 4-1-1, to give residents a single source of information at no cost to them. No city tax dollars are used to produce this unique publication, so please support our sponsors who advertise with us. Without their support we wouldn’t be able to offer residents such a valuable resource.
Through our magazines’ unique circulation, Sports and Activities Directory reaches qualified readers who are local active families living and working in the community. Our magazines are available through public & charter schools, pre-schools, community centers, concession stands, area YMCA locations, government offices, and can be found throughout the city at our advertiser’s establishments.